Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Behind va scenes

Moms, dads, and I post a wot of pictures and fings on Facebook of me doing all sorts of fings.  Sometines peepows post fings like "vat pooooooor dog!" or "what are you doing to him???".  First off, vat are way too many "o"s in "poor", OK???  :-)  Second, I real like pwaying dressemup and everyfing like vat.  Here are some 'zamples and notes of what you can't see behind va scenes:

Vis are me as a drag queen.  I did vis photo shoot for my rescue group, Illinois Doberman Rescue Plus for a fundraiser we were having.  Vat is reason enough!  Also, my Auntie Wauren was taking va pics and I will do anyfing for her cuz I real love her and everyfing :-)

Vis are a pic I did to promote bicycow safety.  Vis are dadses helmet and it smells like him.  I real love fings vat smell like my peepows.  Also, vere was a steak on va grill to my left and I was real hopefulness I would get a bite... and I did!

Anuvver item of my dads... his Shaggy wig!  Also, behind moms is a squirr....  I wasn't allowed to "get" va squirr, but it helded my 'tention while va picture was taken, haha!

 My mid-kid was saying to moms and dads he didn't have ANY cwoves to wear, so moms sent me down wiff some shorts.  Of course I do anyfing momma asks.  Va bonus here is va hugeness smile on mid-kid's face!  He laughed and laughed.  What you can't see is my nub wagging under vose shorts!

My littlest kidlet wanted to pway princess dressemup.  First of all, I love fings on my head.  But mostwy, I cannot deny vat lil girl anyfing.  She makes my heart happy, my nub wag, and I feel warm all over when she smiles and says "You're the best boy, Boozy".  <3

So fear not, my friends!  It are awesome sauce Being Hogan.
Love, Hogie