Sunday, December 8, 2013

Being a salesdog!

Va rescue group I vowunteer wiff (lets all say it togevver!), Illinois Doberman Rescue Plus is now selling va 2014 calendar and boy, is it nice!  Some of my friends have asked for a pawtographed copy, so today moms and dads helped me get a bunch done!

To order your very own calendar and also to buy vem for howliday gifts, click here Calendar order and one will be shipped to you.  Or, if you live by me or va city called Barrington, just tell me or moms and we can get you one wiffout paying shipping, OK??  OK!


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Frowback Fursday!!!

Vis are me when I were tiny baby puppy, even smaller van now, learning to snarler from my big sis, Cali.  She were va best snarler, ever!

Sometines, she even stuck her tongue out at me.  GAWD Cals, GAWD!  Hahaha!  I never learned how to do vat, vo.
