Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Being Secret Santy Claws!

I'm real 'cited vis year cuz moms said I can be a secret Santy Claws!  I didn't know what vat was, but she had a real happiness voice on, so I wagged my nub and said of course I want to do vat!!  Ven she 'splained it to me and ven I got even more 'cited!  It's real important job to be a SSC...

First, you have to pick who are getting fings for.  I figured it out right away after reading one of my favorite bwogs, The Five Dog Blog .  I real love my auntie and unca and all five dogs!  So ven, I had to figure out what to get vem!  Wow, so many choices, I fell seep seep just looking at vem all!

Ven you have to wait and wait and wait for Mr UPS man to come and deliver it.  It is real 'portant to open va package and inspect va goods!  I was real happiness wiff how everyfing looks.  My sisters were real happiness cuz vey fought va gifts were for vem!  Oopsy!

Next is va real hardness part... wrapping!  Oh em GAWD!  Wiffout 'posable fumbs, vis job is real hardness.  Moms helped me a wittle cuz it was just a mess, haha! 

Ven I put vem in a big box, moms taped it up, and we made a label for to ship it.  I real hope vey like it!!  I bet vey will be so surprised cuz I'm real good at keeping secrets ;-) 

Sometimes, sending a gift just cuz is real nice for someone.  It doesn't have to be 'spensive, just fink about va person you're sending to and ven make somefing or buy somefing and send it!  Or even just send a note saying how you feel, OK?  Moms always says tomorrow is promised to no one, so do all you can today.

Happy howlidays, my friends!


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Being 'formative 'bout heartworm disease

In vis bwog, I will talk 'bout heartworm disease and you will learn why giving your pups heartworm memmicine every monf is so 'portant, OK??  I am a vowunteer wiff Illinois Doberman Rescue Plus.  A wot of dogs we bring into our program come in "heartworm positive".  When vis happens, vey have to get real painfulness treatment for it.  Not only does it hurt vem, but it costs rescue a wots of money, too!  It's much kinder to give your pup memmicine every monf to prevent heartworm disease ven make vem possibwy go frew all va pain, right?  It's not even vat 'spensive!

Here is a link to real helpfulness information on heartworm disease:

Here is my friend, Mac, who is awesome sauce and a real goodness boy, but is getting treatment for heartworm.  During treatment, Auntie Pam keeps va dog real quiet: no pwaying, no running around, or anyfing! Just crate rest.  Wouldn't vat be awful??

I was real happiness to hear from many of my friends about getting veir heartworm memmicine.  Vey even sent some pictures, and you know I real love pictures!

Vis is Comet, an IDR+ alumnus!  Auntie Mary never misses a monf of heartworm memmicine for Comet, yay!  Nice sit and watch, Comet!
Vis is Murphy, my Auntie Lindsay's boy.  Hey, he is an IDR+ alumnus, too!  Look how excited he is to get his heartworm memmicine!  Good job, buddy!  Make sure your sister gets hers, too, OK??  :-)
Vis is my brover in red-headed-awesome-sauceness, Noble!  Oh em GAWD, he is an IDR+ alumnus, too!!  Haha, I have a wots of rescue friends!  Anyway, Auntie Sherri & Unca Rob sometimes put stickers on Noble to remind vem to have his memmicine, hahaha!  Just kidding!  But look how handsome and helpful he is :-)

Here is me, my sister SFB (OK, anover IDR+ alumna!!!) and my sister Cals.  We REAL love our memmicine and get so 'cited when it's time to get it.  Moms and dads always make us sit nice and watch before we get it vo.  But it is worf it!

I hope vis was helpfulness and fun to read, too.  If you want more information on vis, email me or moms and we will do our best to help, OK?

Take care and stay healthy, friends!


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Being fankful

Moms always says we should be fankful for fings every day, not just on fanksgiving.  And I am.  But I fought it was 'bout time I do anover bwog, so Fanksgiving Day is a good time, right?

I am fankful for a wots of stuff.  Like, moms, dads, children 1, children 2, children 3, gramma Judi, gramma Marcia, Papa, gramma Nancy, Unca Jim, Unca Jeff who I never met but moms said would've real loved me, and all my extended aunties, uncas, and friends.

I am fankful for kibbles in my bowl every single day, 2 times, even!  Also, I real like treatsies.  I'm fankful moms and dads are goodness people who always love me and pet me and tell me I'm awesome sauce.

I am fankful for my sisters, Cals and SFB.  We have so much fun togever!  I'm real fankful it's almost Cals birfday cuz ven I can wear a birfday hat!  Oh, I'm so fankful for whoever created birfday hats!!

I am fankful for everyone who helps animals in need, like rescues and shelters and foster peoples, va dockers, transporters, and everyone.  Vere are so many poor homeless pets out vere, and we are lucky to have so many vowunteers who try veir best to help!

I am fankful for sunshine and sunbazing.  Also, my bone bones, beds, my old condo vat SFB rents but I still hang out in sometines, my big huge deck, and even vo I'm a working breed, I'm glad moms doesn't make me punch a clock.

Most of all, I'm fankful for feeling loved.  Life is good for vis boy!

Happy Fanksgiving, everyone!  Make sure your pets don't get into your food and get sickness, OK? Also, make sure your loved ones know you are fankful.  Like, I say "Fanks Mommy & Daddy" a wot! 



Thursday, October 25, 2012

Being somefing else for Halloweenie!

I don't real unnerstand what Halloweenie is for, but I love pwaying dress up!  I don't know what to be for Halloweenie vis year, here are some fings I fought might be good:

 Bicyco rider!!  I have all va gear I can borrow from dads!  Aren't I handsunness??

I even have a helmet to wear cuz safey is real 'portant!

I could be a superhero wiff vis mask!  Hmmm, what would my superhero name be, vo? 

 Vis is a funny wig from dads Shaggy costume.  Haha!!  Do I look like Shaggy from Scooby Do??

I used to fink I was a vampire.  Look how ferocious I was, and even had glowing eyes!

Vis is my winter hat so my beautiful ears don't get cold.  Not really a costume, but I real like it.  I could be a skier or somefing.  Oh, maybe I can get va snowboard out and be a snowboarder!!
 Vese are some awesome sauce 'weenie cookies we gotted from Auntie Sue yesserday.  OMGAWD vey are so nummy business!  My sisters and I are sharing vem! 

OK, if you have costume ideas, let me know!!


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Being "dangerous!"

Va monf of October is also called "Pibble Awareness Monf".  I fink everyone should focus on Pibbles every day cuz vey are real niceness and everyfing!  I have a wot of Pibble friends and cousins and vey are good, good boys and girls.  I am happy to call vem my friends and famiwy!  Moms always says vat John Q Public is too quick to judge.  I fink John is a doodlehead!!!  GAWD John, get to know vese dogs first and VEN talk about vem, OK???  Yes, some Pibbles aren't nice.  Also, some Poodles aren't nice (like va one vat jumped on my face at 'gility!!), little tiny dogs can be not nice, and everyfing.  You have to look at va owners and how vey treated va poor fings.  Blame vem, not a whole entire breed of dog!  A wot of people fink Dobermans and Rottweilers and German Shepherds are meanies, too.  Not fair!!!

Anyway, vis bwog is about some of va Pibbles I know.  Enjoy!

Vese are my cousins.  Mayo is va beeyooootiful girl on va left and Timmy is va handsome brindow boy on va right.  Auntie Wauren and Unca Steve are vere moms and dads.  Auntie Wauren said vis about vese two awesome sauce puppers:
Mayo was found limping along a road downstate with a broken leg, and Timmy was found limping around the hood on his elbows with bendy arms. They like "walks," "squirrels" and "grandpa"! They LOVE each other and cry when they are separated.
Moms has spent a wot of time wiff vem and real, real loves vem!  So do I!

Vis is my cousin, Tyr!  He is almost same color as me and everyfing!!  He is super awesome wiff his dog brovers and sisters and even wiff Frigga va cat!  Also, he has human sisters and a brover and is really a good boy!  He only has 3 legs but he doesn't let vat stop him from having fun and living va good life!!!  Here's his bio from when he was wiff my rescue group:  "Gimpy" was born with a club foot that unfortunately had to be amputated. He has adjusted well since he could never use it anyway. He has a great personality and anyone who gets to adopt this special boy will be getting a wonderful companion.He is fully crate trained and seems to be housebroken as well.  He is great with the other dogs but right now is separated due to the surgery. He was surrendered by a person who had bred her female Pit Bull. She was devastated to give him up but did a wonderful job of raising him until she turned him over to us.  She also now realizes how many homeless Pit Bulls there are out there and will be spaying the mom.
Love you, Tyr, you handsome boy, you!!

Oh my, anover beauty!  Vis is Miss Petey, my Auntie Andrea's awesome sauce Pibble girl!  Auntie says vis:  "We got her from some guy in Rockford who was trying to give her up but the local Petsmart or Petco would not take her because she is a Pit. How sad!  Anyway she found a loving home with us and is very happy, she is fantastic around everyone! She is quite the snuggler and loves to just hang out. I would love to bring her everywhere with me because she does so well in any situation. I must say she defiantly gives the Pitbull  a good name hopefully we can turn this crazy stereotype around!"  I hope we can, too, Auntie Andrea!!

Now introducing Vito & Monday!  Vey are owned by my Auntie Erin.  Auntie Er got marriaged and now I also have Unca Nickwis!!  Yay!!  Anyhow, vese are two of vere crew.   Monday is va bwue girl, and she are so prettiness!!  Hubba hubba!! Auntie Er says "she is a certified Canine Good Citizen and loves to meet new people every day. She really can't hold her licker. When at home she loves to lie in front of the window and calmly watch the world go by. She's quite the snuggler and can't fall asleep unless she's under the covers and in between your legs."  Awww, I love snugglers!!
Vito is va handsome brindow and white boy!  I'm told "the world is a scary place for Mr. Vito. He's happiest at home in his own yard where he can play chase games with his brothers. He is OBSESSED with balls and won't stop until you hide them all. He's a talker and likes to 'grumble' and 'complain' when getting let out of his crate. He also likes to be covered up and will completely cover himself up in his crate to go to sleep."  Aww, it's OK lil cousin!  Your moms and dads will keep you safe and stock full of bwankies!!

Auntie Er and Unca Nickwis also foster a wot for va rescue I vowunteer wiff, Illinois Doberman Rescue Plus.  One of vere fosters is a Pibble named Hockey!  He real looks like Monday, hahaha!  You can see him and read about him here:  http://www.ildoberescue.com/available/plus-dogs/hockey/  If you fink you want to adopt him, fill out an application, OK?  Maybe Auntie Erin will pick you!  It's a real 'portant job to be a parent for a dog vat wots of people fink is dangerousness.  It becomes your job to 'splain to vat dingdong, Mr John Q Public, how good vey can be.  Are you up for vat challenge?

So far, I've learned vis about Pibbles: vey real like to snuggler and vere moms and dads always want to be wiff vem.  Doesn't every soul deserve vat? 


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Being scared to deff!!!

So va over night, my big sister Cals like ca'lapsed and everyfing!  She were barfing during va day when moms and dads were at work and ven tried to do it again but somehow choked on it.  Fank goodness sakes moms was home ven, as she did va hindlick 'neuver on Cals and ven Cals was all betterness!  Cals got real mad cuz moms was holding her, so ven she started kickboxing moms and everyfing.  I said "Cals, stop punching moms, you jackax!"

Moms was real scared and it made me have va sadness.  I tried licking her face to make it better and everyfing.  Ven, when Cals frew up, I tried to help mom cwean it up... wiff my mouf.  Moms didn't like vat one bit!  Moms, dads, and I were talking 'bout vis hindlick 'neuver and moms says she didn't do it va right way for dogs she didn't fink.  Dads said "well, Cali is alive, so whatever you did was great!".  Ven moms started researching it more wiff me and I fought I'd post some info so peoples could make sure vey know more what to do when vere pet is sick OK?  Moms is going to edit vis some, cuz it has real 'portance!

Here are some good websites:
General info:


ASPCA Poison Control:

You should real get to know more about what is common in your dog's breed (if vey are purebred), too, cuz sometimes certain breeds have real common problems.  Like, I'm a Doberman Pinscher, and we are real 'ceptible to Bwoat, Diwated Cardiomyopafy, Wobblers, Cancer, etc.  (edit: Bloat, Dilated Cardiomyopathy).  Bwoat is va only one of vose vat is emergency really.  Moms and dads keep Green Jelly Beans (edit: Gas-X) on hand at ALL times so if vey fink me or my sisters are bwoating, we get to eat one.  Moms says it can save a life by buying time to get to va 'mergency room!  A wots of dogs of over breeds can bwoat, too, not just Dobermans, ok?

Also, don't forget vat if you fink your pet was poisoned by a big huge meanie or maybe he/she ate somefing vey shouldn't have, you can all va ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435.  Vey are real nice and helpful!  My auntie Tam works vere, and she is awesome sauce!!!

One of va topics in va link above is 'bout making a first aid kit.  It is real 'portant to have some fings on hand just to do va bestest you can if trouble comes around.  I real hope trouble stays far away from you and yours, my friends.  If it does, your moms/dads will do everyfing vey can to help, I just know it!

Stop, drop, and roll!  OK, vat is really only for fire, but I'm a fire chief, 'member??  OK!


Friday, October 12, 2012

Being real busy ness and everyfing!!

Hi everyone!  I have been real busy ness doing stuff and everyfing like vat.  I will start doing my bwog more again, but first I fought I would catch you up on my whereabouts.  In a small nutshell, here's va scoop:

My Halloweenie neckwace came and it is va bestest neckwace yet!  It has all sorts of cuteness pictures on it and also fweece lining on va inside which is real nice on my delicate fur and skin!  You can order your own neckwaces from my Auntie Cwaudia, just look at her website!  She also makes coats, snoods, and everyfing!!  http://www.etsy.com/shop/COZYHORSE

I gotted real yumminess cupcapes from Auntie Sue.  She made vem and everyfing!  OMG, SO good!  I gave one to each of my sisters, too, cuz I'm a good boy who learned to share, mom says!  Auntie made vem for her boy, Phinny, who is anover red Doberman boy and is very special.  His momma bit him in va head and everyone fought he wouldn't make it so IDR+ took him and got him betterness!  Ven he became Auntie's baby boy :-)  He's real handsome and super nice boy!

I learned vat Sarah Farah Bearah is an awien!  Hahahaha!  Look at her cuckoo eyebaws!  Speaking of eyebaws, if you're not on my Facebook page you wouldn't know vat SFB bit me in va eyebaw.  It was crazy business!  Moms says it was just accident, but I'm not so sure!

Oh, I went on a 'cation wiff moms!  We stayed at Auntie Pams house.  I had so much fun running and pwaying in her big huge ginormous yard and also seeing all my friends:  Melvin, Degas, Robin, Starbuck, Newton, Miracle, Jackie Bwackie (I'm real loving her!), Annie Banannie, and foster boy Tesla (aka Al Bino!).  Here's a pic of me and Cals wiff Newton.  Sometimes he's a little bit creepy, haha, cuz he just bulls his way wherever he wants to go!  For va record, I am NOT hiding behind Cals, I was just finking about going in va baby tiny crate.  Vat crate was totally awesome!!  I folded my legs up and climbed in!

Since I got home from a 'cation, dads has been teaching me how to pway MW3 on his EpsBops system, or somefing like vat.  It's a wot of fun and I'm awesome sauce at it! 

I have to get ready for my Big Fun Day wiff my pals His Royal Highness Va Kone and little miss Coco Von Nut.  I hope va wetness maker doesn't go on tomorrow, or else we can't go :-(

I hope you are all doing well, OK??  I real miss everyone.  Fanks for all va emails, FB notes, texts, and everyfing!


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Being a foster dads

I'm a foster dads again!  Vis is Tesla, but I call him Casper von Ghost!  Mom calls him Al Bino!  He are real handsun and real niceness, too!  I fink someone put him in va wetness maker machine and washed off all his fur colors!  He doesn't have any colors at all!  His eyes are real pretty blue and everyfing!  He is a wot like my friend, Degas!  Moms said it's real 'portant to help people unnderstand vat we have to help all va 'bino Dobermans out vere, but vat peoples shouldn't make 'binos have va sexy business and make more!  OK??  Moms gave me vis to share:
You can read about 'binos and everyfing!  Also, if you wanna 'dopt one, call moms!  She has connections, hahaha! 

My foster boy, Tesla, is up for 'doption soon.  When he came to rescue, he had wormies in his heart and was real sickness!  IDR+ made sure he went to va docker and now he is 'cuperating wiff us for a few days and ven will go to a new foster home.  I real wish we could keep him.  Moms and dads would move out if we did vo!  Hahaha!  Don't forget how 'portant it is to give your puppies heartworm preventative every monf, so vey don't get heart wormies, too, OK???  Also, I don't know what happened to his ears, vese fings make me giggle! 

He real loves my dads, cuz dads is real awesome sauce!  Cals finks he stinks but sometines she smilers at him!  GAWD Cals, make up your cuckoo mind!  SFB is real, real 'cited he is here.  She wants to pway wiff him but he cannot pway yet cuz he's still sick a lil bit.  So SFB makes va pee pee everywhere to show him she's 'cited.  Poor moms has a wots of pee pee to clean up!  I don't have any pictures of him wiff me and my sisters cuz you can't put new dogs togever right away.  I go over to his crate and wag my nub back and forf at him a wot vo, and tell him "it's OK handsun... we will find you a very good home!".

If you want to meet Tesla and everyfing, let me know.  He is a very sweet, special boy and needs just as sweet a new famiwy.



Thursday, September 6, 2012

What a doofus! Hahahahaha!!!

OK, so my sister Cals sometines has to wear a muzzy muzzler cuz she likes to chew stuff and lick va sore on her leg.  Wiff muzzy muzzler on, she can't do vat!  Well, my little sister, Sarah Farah Bearah, grabbed MM and fought it was to pway wiff.  Hahahahaha, doofus!  Moms and dads and Cals and I all laughed and laughed!

First, she just put it in her mouf and was running around va house like a spaz!  I guess it kinda works like vis... she didn't try to nibble on anyone while holding it, haha!

Ven it got stuck on her head sideways, over one ear.... what a silly pants girl!
 'Ventually, she got it on over boff ears, all by herself!  I'm not sure if vat is being clever or just lucky, haha!  I told her to sit for a pic, and she did.  She is getting smarter, kinda!
Dads helped her get muzzy muzzler off her face.  Ven she picked it up and was using it as a weapon!  Here I am telling her "don't beat me wiff it, SFB!  GAWD, you are rude!!"

Vis puppy makes us giggle a wot.  You never know what she will do next!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Being pampered!

When you are real handsun, like me, you real like to be told about it and everyfing.  Moms tells me all va time!!!  Ven, she took me and my sisters to a new pwace to get our feetsies trimmed.  Well, our nails on our feetsies.  It is called Pampered Tails Pet Grooming, and it is a real nice pwace!  I made new friends and everyfing!!  My sister, Cals, gets real scared to go anywhere but everyone was so nice to her and her nails were done before she knew it!  SFB was a spaz, as usual, but vey knew how to work wiff her, too!  I am a real goodness boy and just stood vere, waiting for vem to finish and listening to vem tell me what a good, good boy I am!  Also, vey fink I'm handsun!!! 

If you need your nails done, try vem out!  Also, vey have real tasty cookies and also toys!!!



Being a puppy, part 2!

OK, so you all read 'bout my early days wiff momma Karin and my brovers and sister.  Ven, one day, momma Karin put me in vis big truck fing wiff some of her over dogs and we drove and drove forever.  I cried a wot!  It was scary business!  We ended up somewhere called Wisconsin at a dog show.  I was seep seep in va truck and ven I hear momma Karin and poppa Steve, so I started yelling out so vey knew where I was!  Ven poppa Steve got me and brought me outside.  I saw a real niceness lady vere, who looked so happy to see me.  She putted her arms out and said "hi big boy!" and ven I jumped in her arms.  Vat nice lady is now my moms.  We have been inseparable ever since!  She drove me home vat day and ven I met my sister Cals.  Here are so more pics from ven:
Oh yeah, vat was my rooster stuffy!  He was awesome sauce, til I killed his squeaky, hahahaha!  Vis was a week after I first came home.
Vis is me on my leash.  I was stuck to moms for most of my puppyhood cuz I were real busy and she couldn't keep up wiff me! 

I learned how to sit real fast.  I was only free monfs old!  Awww, so cute!  I've always been a real smart one, moms says.
 Cals taughted me how to keep a watch over our yard and house.  We real like to hang out on va deck and sunbaze and watch life go by, even to vis day!
Here I am at 5 monfs old, my ears were already standing by vemselves!  I still have my leash on, hahahaha! 
Ohhh, vis is my very first party hat, and I real loved it!  Now I wear vem as often as I can, cuz vey are wots of fun and everyfing!

I hope you like my puppy pics.  I'm a real happy boy wiff a great famiwy and wots and wots of awesome sauce friends!  Have a great day everyone!!


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Being a puppy!

Vis one is real funness, and may take a couple of bwogs to write about, cuz I was va awesome sauciest puppy, ever!  Moms even says so!  I fink I told you all I was born in Kentucky.  I don't know what vat means, but moms always reminds me.  My doggy mom's name was Demmi and my doggy daddy is Rayman.   My first hooman mommy is mama Karin, and she is so awesome!  She has a real sweet voice and is super niceness to everyone and everyfing!  I have 1 black sister and 1 black brover and 2 red brovers!  'Livia (who is a momma now and I have va cutest nieces and nephews!), Dej, Dax, & Skyler are everyone's names.  We all live in different parts of va country, moms says, so I don't see vem anymore.  I have wots of pics from when we still lived togever vo!  Here are just a few vat make me smiler...

Here I am at 4 weeks old, wiff my brovers and sister.  Look how tiny we were!  I'm chewing on my sister, Olivia, hahaha!!  I was red collar boy!

Vis is me walking 'round mama Karin's house.  I was always real independent, vey say.  I like to check fings out!

Vis is me, being so adorable!  My friend Kay is holding me.  She wanted me and my brover Skyler, but ended up wiff Skyler so I got to come to moms!

Vis is me at 10 weeks old, being stacked.  I was 'posed to be a show dog, but couldn't cuz I was a uniballer.  Moms didn't care, she loved me no matter what!  Moms says vis is va first picture she ever saw of me!

Mama Karin and Papa Steve used to call me Spike. Sometines mom still calls me vat, haha!  But I real like Being Hogan.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Crazy girls

Vis one was suggested by Amy P-N!  She said "There is nothing greater than reading about your crazy girls!"  Well, I could write all day, every day 'bout vose two knuckleheads, hahaha!  

My big sister, Cals, is real funny.  Like, she doesn't real care when moms or dads tell her to do stuff and everyfing.  Also, she is naughty like a puppy!  She started destroying va carpet va over night cuz she were mad moms went out wiffout her!  OMG Cals, naughty business!  She doesn't real like when me and my little sister pway, cuz we use a wot of space and sometines we bump right into her.  So ven she makes bitey face at us and growlers!  If we don't wisten, ven she puts her big mouf around our necks and makes us lie down - whoa crazy girl!  Cals just wants to eat and seep seep, mostly vese days.  She still smiles all va time, 'specially for dads.  She is sutbborn vo... Moms says to her "come ON ya old bat" a wot, hahaha!  Moms says she calls her vat wiff love <3

My little sister, Sarah Farrah Bearah, is a hot mess.  She is real nice and super sweet but she is a few light bulbs short of, somefing.  Hahahaha!  I still work wiff her a wot on manners, how to pway nice, and I tell her all va time "no pee pee or poodle in vis house, SFB!".  Sometines she wistens, sometines she doesn't.  Like yesserday, she pinkled right on dads foot!!  Also, she is finally reawizing jumping on Cals is NOT a good idea! She calls Cals the Fun Powice, hahahaha!  SFB goes to our Auntie Pam's house a wot to pway wiff over spastic dogs.  She's real niceness to vem and gets vem tired!  Ven she seep seeps a wot, which is nice for all of us!

Boff girls are silly business, but I real love vem cuz vey are my famiwy and moms taughted us to always be good to famiwy and friends.  



Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New hobbies!

Vis one was suggested by my Auntie Christina!  I asked moms what hobbies are.  She said sunbazing is one. Well, I can't imagine anyfing better van vat!  Auntie Christina said maybe skateboarding, hahaha!  So I've been doing research on skateboarding.  I fink I might be able to do it!  I was real goodness at 'gility, and like the va teeter is a skinny board and everyfing, so maybe vis would be like vat?!?  I also read about a guy named Tony Hawk, and I fink my name would be Hogie Dawg \m/  Rock on, dudes!!

I know vere are some dogs vat skateboard and even read 'bout a Cockatiel vat likes it!  Seems like a wot of Bulldogs like it, I wonder if my friend Newton skateboards?  I'll have to ask Auntie Pam ;-)  He probly would like a skateboard a wot more van walking, hahaha!!

I looked around va house and asked moms and dads for a skateboard.  No luck.  I will ask my childrens, as I know va boys have vem.  Dads did find a snowboard, vo, and I might try vat when va white wetness maker goes on vis winter!

I will try different fings, if you suggestions let me know, OK?
