Monday, April 30, 2012

I went to va docker

Hi everyone!!!  I had a real busy like weekend, wiff all sorts of stuff to do.  On one of va days, moms took me and my sisters to see docker Paul!  It was real busy vere, so moms and I waited inside and Cals & Sarah Farah Bearah stayed in va truck.  I got to meet awot of real nice people and also vere were awot of animals.  One was called a "cat", moms said.  I were sniffing and sniffing her little cage and ven she went "HISSSSSS" and hit at me. GAWD, little cat, I just saying hi!
Ven I met va cutest lil pupper named Chulo.  He were a tiny baby and I were real gentleness wiff him.

When I saw docker Paul, I was so happy!  He is va bestest!  Moms says he gave me a 'jection, but I didn't feel a fing!  He rubbed me all over and said how good I am and vat I look great!  Ven moms put me in va car with Sarah, so Cals could come in.  Sarah and I sang a lot and ven I went to seep.  When moms came back out to get Sarah, I jumped out of va truck and ran around va parking lot.  It was real nice out, I met some dogs and people.  Moms was not looking real happiness wiff me, so I got back in and tried to be a good boy for her.

I real like famiwy outings.  I wish Dads was wiff, but he was sick from his birfday party va night before.  Maybe next time, dads!


Friday, April 27, 2012

I'm taking over vis town!!

Yesserday, Cals made poops in va bedroom.  What von heck????  She were looking out va window at va grass and ven started to go!  Moms and I told her "get outside, go outside!" and she 'ventually did.  GAWD Cals!!!  You're naughty, too?

Seeing as how my sisters have compwetewy wost vere minds, I'm making myself va boss of vis joint! First order of va business is taking over vis love seat!  It is just my size!  I can sprawl out and get comfy in any position!

Next up is compwete control of all va bone bones.  Vat will be harder, cuz Sarah Farah Bearah barks and barks like a fool when I have a bone bone.  I'll teach her!

Make sure you say Happy Birfday to my dads, it is his birfday today!  Love you dads, you are va bestest!!!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Vis puppy are wearing me out!!

Moms says when I was a baby, I was even more nutsy van Sarah Farah Bearah.  I real find vat hard to bewieve, but moms wouldn't make it up...  Vis puppy are cuckoo!!!  Yesserday, she 'scaped her room and ven came upstairs where we were all seep seeped.  She jumped on moms and dads bed and ven made va pee pee all over!!!  OMG Sarah!!!  I told her to run and get in her crate, and ven moms and dads were running around, all kinds of freaked out!  Me, Sarah, and Cals ran downstairs to get out of va way!  I ran to my old bedroom, which is now Sarah's, and ven she followed me in....  Get outta here, naughty girl!!

I told Sarah to stay real quietness all day and not make more troubles and I stayed right wiff her to show her how to be good.  Boff girls grabbed bone bones and were so good togever.  Course, vey took va bones I wanted, how rude!!!  So I watched 'Merican Idol wiff moms.

Ven dads came home!  Everyone gets so excited for to see him cuz he are so fun and he real loves us.  Everyone swarmed around him, haha!!

Tomorrow is dads birfday.  I real hope vere are party hats involved, vat is my favorite and dads will look real handsum in one!! 

Have a super duper Fursday, everyone.  And everyfing!!!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Being a big brover....

It's real hardness to be a big brover.  I have to watch over vis puppy and also teach her everyfing I know.  I know AWOT of stuff, and she has a real small puppy brain, mom says, so vis could take forever.  She still jumps up on moms and dads and va childrens, but not all va times.  And she doesn't chew on us much anymore, eiver, which is real good!  Vis is me showing her how to just lie down and calmly chew a bone bone.  I tolded her it is not a good time to jump on anyone's face or body, just mind your own beeswax and chew!

She still wants to climb on anyone sitting down, and somehow she gets away wiff it!!  Vat is real unfair business, I say!  I have to get off va couch as soon as vey find me up vere, GAWD!!!!  How come vese rules are different for va baby?  Shouldn't we teach her betterness about manners and everyfing like vat??  Vis puppy gets away wiff everyfing!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Now vat was fun!!!

I had so much fun vis weekend!  Wots of pway wiff va childrens and ven we went to Aunt Sherri & Uncle Rob's house and pwayed wiff Baci in vere big, hugemongous yard!!! 
 Here's me, coming to get my sisters... I run real fast!
 Vis is Sarah, trying to be cool like me...

She finks she won tuggy, but I let her win.  I have to be nice brover.
 I real like to run!!

 I was trying to get Cals to pway va stalk game, but she wouldn't.... gawd!

Here we all are.... Cali, me, Baci, and Sarah.  It was such a fun day!!!  Fanks Auntie & Uncle!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Surrounded by girls!

Now I have two sisters, and vey are boff real cuckoo beans!  Cali likes to pway only some of va time, so you have to approach real careful or she will go postal!!  She always goes after me like I'm a gazelle and she is va wion!!  Ven she tackles me and we roll around, ven she goes for my froat!

Sarah always jumps on our faces, which Cals real doesn't like.  Ven Sarah runs away, all scared.  Moms says vat is good cuz she will learn not to do vat.  But ven she runs to me and jumps on MY head.  GAWD Sarah, you're a naughty puppy!!  Good fing she are real cuteness!

Boff sisters like to stare at me if I take time out to chew my bone bones.  It are real 'noying cuz I just want some piece and quiet and vere vey are, glaring at me, trying to steal my bone bone!  Get out of here, b*tches!!

I guess it are better ven having a brover...  I'm va ONLY boy for moms!!  I hope everyone has a real good weekend.  I know I will, va childrens are coming!!  It's my favorite fing!!


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ohhhh, now I get it!

No privates were involved at 'gility last night!  Moms asplained vat private just meant no over dogs and peoples would be in va cwass wiff us.  VAT makes much more sense!  We went in va car for a long ride ( I started to go seep seep) and ven went into a pwace and met Miss Dee!  She has 2 fuzzy wuzzy dogs vat are so cute, and real smartness!!  Moms and Miss Dee really talked awot!!  I was getting bored, but ven vey would pway games wiff me and I'd get to do some jumps and fings.  Moms says it was a 'valution and Miss Dee promised it would be more fun each time we come.  I real like Miss Dee, and am so happy we will do 'gility again!!  Moms says we have awot of homework now, but I'm a smart boy and will do my best for straight A's!


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How confusing!!

Moms says we are going to do 'gility again, which gives me va happy!  She says we have to make va preprashuns before we start va cwass so we get back in va swing of fings!  How we do vat??? I asked....  she says we're going to Ms Dee's privates.

WHAT MOM??  All vis schooling I go to vey say do NOT go to va privates!!!  It is rude and not like when dogs check out each overs privates.  GAWD!!!!!  One time I was sniffiing around in va waundry and ven got dad's unnerwear stucked on my head... dads said vat was 'vading his privates or somefing like vat!   

I not sure what will happen tonight at va privates...  stay tuned!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I also real love my moms!!

I forgot to say I real love my moms in yesserday's bwog.  She are va bestest mommy ever!!  We do awot of fun fings togever and we snuggler AWOT!  She teaches me a kinds of stuff, like 'gility, 'bedience, how to pway nice wiff va over dogs, and everyfing like vat!  We go awot of places togever, like home visits for rescue, va Pee Are fings for rescue where I get to meet wots of people and show vem how nice Dobermans are, we go pway if over dog friends, and everyfing!  I are never bored cuz moms keeps us busy!

Most of all she always loves me, no matter what.  I know I are safe and always will have va happy cuz she works hard to put a roof over our heads, she says.  Ha!  I'd be fine living outside, if she were wiff me.

I hope you all have super duper moms, too.  Make sure you tell vem you love vem!!



Monday, April 16, 2012

I love my dads!!

Hi everyones!  It was real busy-ness for me vese last few days cuz now my dads is working a bunch.  Dads counts on me to watch va house and our girls while he is gone.  I real miss my dads being wiff me all va times.  Sometimes I take his socks and go seep seep wiff vem, so I have somefing of his wiff me while he is gone. 

He doesn't real like vat, vo... and tries to take vem back!  GAWD!!

Whenever he comes home, we get va happy!  Cals sings a song and dances and brings him a bone bone... Sarah sits on him and I just sit nearby in case he needs me.  My dads are va bestest!!!

If he gets on va 'puter, we all stare and beg him to stop!  Haha!

Have a good day everyone!  Make sure your famiwy knows you love vem!!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

My girfriend rocks!!!

Cinny came over for our second date and it was real nice!  She didn't even pay attention much to Sarah, haha!  She said hi to everyone, even moms, ven we just hung out.  We snuggled and talked, I showed her how I pway wiff my sisters and she said I'm a real good boy!!  Ven, vere were peoples walking around behind our house so I barked and she said "what a man you are!"  WOW!!!  I only tooted once, which is pretty good for me, and she didn't mind.  Cuz she unnerstands I have va angry butt disease and she loves me anyway!

I real lucky to have such a nice girfriend in my life.  We even kissed, and everyfing!  Love you, Cinny!!!


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Date night!

I wasn't going to bwog today, but everyone keeps emailing and texting me wondering where va bwog is, haha!  Tonight my girfriend, Cinny, is coming over for anover date!!!  I real are nervous, cuz nowadays when someone comes over vey just want to see va darn puppy, Sarah.  It's ALL about Sarah, gawd!!!  But Cinny real loves me, so she will not like Sarah, just me, OK?  Also, Sarah likes to hump my head and if she does vat when my date is here, I will be so 'mbarrassed!  I will report on how my date went tomorrow.  I have to cwean vis pwace up and get ready to be romantical!!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I have awot of cousins!

   I have cousins at Auntie Pam's house, too.  Vis is Starbuck & Newton.  Vey are bullies, and vey freak me out!!!  Sometines, vo, Newton opens our room and ven Cals and I can pway wiff everyone.  But he stares awot at me and I don't know what to do!  Starbuck is smaller and he likes to go in all va dog rooms and eat any kibble they didn't eat.  Haha, smart wittle guy!!
Melvin B is va coolest Doberman, ever.  He is my BFF and I are always so happy to see him on a cation!  He is big and black and he is va IDR+ mascot!  His brover, Degas, is a 'bino and also he only has one eye!  He is real fun and crazy business!!  He has his own big bedroom wiff a people bed and everyfing!
Look how nice they can all sit for pictures!  Oh, vat wittle one is Robyn, and she are a tiny wittle baby animal.  Moms always says "gentle" around her, so she doesn't get hurted.  She is some kind of a toy fing, TNT dynomite I fink!  I forgot what vey call it...
Here is moms and Newton.  I fink moms got into va wine or somefing, she looks silly!  Hahaha moms!!!  Newton loves to lie on his back and ven he snores and snores, all va time!

I real miss my cousins and orphan friends, and also Auntie Pam cuz she feeds me real early.  And also I am going to ask Santa for a big yard like Auntie's!!!


Monday, April 9, 2012

Oh hi!!!

I'm back from a cation and had a real good time!  I got to pway wiff my sisters and also some of va dogs vat are in rescue.  I had so much fun and miss all my friends!!!  Here are some of vem...

Wink are real cute girl and somehow her eye went missing!  She wouldn't tell me what happened, but she real likes to spend time wiff over dogs.  She are sometimes a little scared of people, but I fink she prolly had a hard time before wiff big meanies!  I real like Wink awot!!!

Juwiette is sooo beeyotiful and are real small cuz someone treated her real bad and she has 'maciation.  She wears a jacket to keep her warm.  She only has nice fings to say about everyone, and her little nub wags a million miles a minute!

Ajax is a very good boy, and I don't really like many boys.  He were adopted long time ago and ven got away from his people and vey were not nice people eiver, cuz he are real skinny business and his fur is all messed up.  Auntie Pam has him feeling much better and vere is a famiwy who real wants him!!!  Yay Ajax!!

Bruno was HUGE red boy.  I'm just saying I fink I'm cuter, but my sister Sarah real liked Bruno awot.  Vis is Sarah & Bruno pwaying in va big yard!  Bruno went to a new home and vat is real good news!!!

 Vis is Carly.  She reminds me of Cals awot, cept Carly is nice!  She has real bad worms in her heart and has to go to va docker a lot for help wiff vat.  But she has a new famiwy just waiting for her treatment to be done and ven she will go wiff vem!  Moms says it is REAL important business for me to take my heartworm memicine every single monf so I don't get vis, too.  All doggies need to do it!  My moms can tell you more if you don't know how to do vis for your own doggie.  OK?? 

Vis is Prince Charming, and he looks like my friend Ari, who is a Weimeranaemrer fing, but he really is a Fawn Doberman!  He are a wittle shy but a good, good boy.  I real love his ears, isn't he handson?


Damien was real quiet while I was on a cation.  He is real handsome, too, and I can't bewieve no one has 'dopted him yet!  Look how nice his ears are, and everyfing.  I was real nice to Damien when I'd pass by his room and he were nice back.

I'm pretty sure vis dog was in Turner & Hooch.  He breaves awot and sometines drools and stuff.  But he are a real good boy and just wants to pway and say hi, OK??  His name are Dougy and he still needs a famiwy, too!

I don't know what in von heck vis fing is, but moms said his name is "Lenny" and he needs a home, too.  My sister, Cals, said she wants him for breffist, so we didn't get to see him too much.

I real hope all va animos in rescue Ifind homes soon.  I would be so sad wiffout moms and dads.  But until vey do, vey have real good foster moms and dads!  Everyone should fink about 'doption, like we just 'dopted Sarah Farah Bearah.  She's nutsy cuckoo, but she is one of us for sure!


Hogie, IDR+ spokedoggie

Friday, April 6, 2012

Being Vito

Hi all, Vito here.  My pal, Hogan, is on cation, so his moms sed I cud bwog. Iz not sure what dat is, but Hogie told me I cud tell de peeps about wut we call da "bwack & tan sister pwoblem."   I'm a red dude, not a dobe, Iz Veeshla.   

I gots 3 bwack & tan sisters (& a red one, another Veeshla but shez nice to me & doesn't ever squish me . . . just da bwack & tans do dat.) 

Dat is Minx.  Shez real leetle, so fun to pway tug wit becuz she bites her toy reeeealy hard & I can swing her around (but den moms makes me stop.)

Char is da udder bwack & tan, sheez leetle too.  Sometimes we cuddle, we hangs out awot & sheez nice when shez not wit da udders.

But da biggest pwoblem iz da Twink.  She shoulda been football pwayer cus she is gud at tackling a guy!  Shez naughty. 
My moms sez dey are "da Heathers." I don't know wut dat means, sposed to be some old movie bout mean girlz. I tink moms is rite.  

Anway just wanted to say us red boyz gotta stick togedder, go Hogie! 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Going on a 'cation!!!

It was a real busy weekend for me and va famiwy.  Moms and dads were packing stuff and ven vey packed up my food!  Vat means I'm going on a 'cation!!  I real love 'cation, I get to run and pway in va big yard at Auntie Pams. 

I pwayed wiff Sarrah all va time vis weekend!  Even Cali joined us.  She told Sarah to knock it off awot, but we had fun togever!!!

Sarah is a cuckoo pants girl.  She got on va couch and ven was digging around in va cushions!  Moms laughed and ven told Sarah to get off va couch.  Sarah made va potty on va couch and ven moms was sad.... 

Well, I better get my stuff ready for 'cation.  I prolly won't be able to use Pam's 'puter, so I will talk to you all on Facebook and will bwog when I get back!

