Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Being busy ness!!

Phew, I have had a wot of fings going on vis summer and was away from my 'puter a wot!  I fought maybe I'd share a bunch of pictures showing what me and my famiwy have been up to!  I am still working on an edumacationow post, too, but vat one takes a wot of brain power :-)

 Vis is me reminding moms to get off va 'puter and enjoy va day!!

 Moms started "exercising".  I keep a close watch on her!

 Cousin Jeff came over for seep seep!  I got to wake him up in va morning, he was not real happiness.  He had va coolest basebaw hat, cuz he is a real goodness basebaw pwayer!

 Moms gotted us a new water dish.  Vis fing are crazy business!  I didn't want to put my snout in it for awhile, but finally gave it a try.  Ven, Super Grover tried using it as a potty!  GAWD!!!

 SFB and I went on a cation at Auntie Pam's.  It were awesome sauce!!!  Saw so many of my friends, had a wot of pway time in her huge yard and everyfing!

 I've been pwaying 'gility a wot!!! One time I gotted a boo boo vo.  Boo!!!
 But dads snugglered wiff me and tucked me in to bed bed.  He's va bestest dads!!

I hope everyone is having a great summer!  We have had va kidlets wiff us a wot and I real love vem so much!  Moms says vey all come back vis weekend, woohoo!!!
Always remember to stop and smell va roses and keep your famiwy close.  Love to you all, my friends!
Love, Hogie

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