I'm real 'cited vis year cuz moms said I can be a secret Santy Claws! I didn't know what vat was, but she had a real happiness voice on, so I wagged my nub and said of course I want to do vat!! Ven she 'splained it to me and ven I got even more 'cited! It's real important job to be a SSC...

First, you have to pick who are getting fings for. I figured it out right away after reading one of my favorite bwogs,
The Five Dog Blog . I real love my auntie and unca and all five dogs! So ven, I had to figure out what to get vem! Wow, so many choices, I fell seep seep just looking at vem all!

Ven you have to wait and wait and wait for Mr UPS man to come and deliver it. It is real 'portant to open va package and inspect va goods! I was real happiness wiff how everyfing looks. My sisters were real happiness cuz vey fought va gifts were for vem! Oopsy!
Next is va real hardness part... wrapping! Oh em GAWD! Wiffout 'posable fumbs, vis job is real hardness. Moms helped me a wittle cuz it was just a mess, haha!

Ven I put vem in a big box, moms taped it up, and we made a label for to ship it. I real hope vey like it!! I bet vey will be so surprised cuz I'm real good at keeping secrets ;-)
Sometimes, sending a gift just cuz is real nice for someone. It doesn't have to be 'spensive, just fink about va person you're sending to and ven make somefing or buy somefing and send it! Or even just send a note saying how you feel, OK? Moms always says tomorrow is promised to no one, so do all you can today.
Happy howlidays, my friends!
<3 this hoagie! what a wonderful idea!