Monday, April 15, 2013

Being a host!

Moms, SFB and I hosteded a party where you, like, sit around and sniff real good stuff and eat and talk and shop for purses!  I've never hosted a party before, so vis was real exciting!  I sent out emayo invites and everyfing!  Auntie Melissa came over yesserday and ven she told everyone at va party all 'bout va items.  She is a vowunteer wiff Illinois Doberman Rescue Plus wiff me and moms! 

Here is Auntie Nancy and Auntie Mewissa.  SFB wanted to eat all va smellies, hahaha!!!  Oh, do you see me in vis pic??  Haha, now I have va giggows!

Auntie Shan even came over!  She is real awesome sauce.  She knows redheads are va bestest!  She is va mom to my handsun cousin, Compie.  He is a red Doberboy, too, and is so smart and everyfing!  Fanks for va kisses, Auntie!
I went in va kitchen to look at purses wiff moms and va sun came out!  So, of course I had to pause va party for a bit so I could sunbaze!  It had been SO long wiffout sunbazing, I couldn't let it get away!!  It felt real nice and ven I fell seep seep for awhile, oopsy!
Ven do you know who walked in???  My Auntie Erin!  She lives real farness away and everyfing but wanted to come by and say hi and hang out wiff me, I'm pretty sure.  We looked at va smellies, but really it was just a ploy for me to get some snugglerin and kissin in!  She is a fellow bwogger (remember, The Five Dog Blog ) so we talked about bwogging some, too.  Fanks for coming to see me, Auntie!!  Sorry I was so whiny, but it was dinner time!  Hahah!

Here are websites for Auntie M's "Scentsy" business, OK?  What a fun day we all had.  I can't wait til our stuff comes in!

Have a good day everyone!

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