Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Being a country boy

For vose who haven't hearded, I moved to va country wiff my famiwy!  Here I am when my stuff were packed and we were on va way to va new house.

I can't even bewieve how hugeness my yard is!  It has a fence and everyfing! 

I also have real nice gardens to walk frew.  Moms doesn't real like vat, but I have to check on everyfing!

I even gotted a new neckwace in honor of my yard.  Dads calls va yard "Hogan's Woods".  I like to patrol for any burblers and vermins!  

We have a real long driveway and sometines I go for walkies wiff moms or dads to get va mayo.  Even va mayobops is huge business!!

When I'm not outside, I still real like to sunbaze.  I have a wot of spots in my new house for sunbazin, but here's va bestest one!

We also starting pwaying 'gility again.  My unpacked my 'quiipment and set up va weavies in our great room, hahahaha!  Don't worry, I don't practice vere cuz va floor has sipperdee business.

We have somefing called a "pool".  Not sure what von heck vis fing are for, but I don't real like it cuz it has a wot of wetness.  Moms says she will teach me how to swims.  I have some goggows for my lessons!  

I real love being a country boy.  All vis fresh air sure makes me seep seep like never before, vo!

I hope you are all well, my friends!  


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Being Lazy

Oh em GAWD!!!  I forgotted my bwog!  I have been real busyness and also real lazy business, sorry everyone!!  Here's a recap of fings since my last bwog.

I had a birfday!!  I am now 8 years old and ven Sarah had a birfday.  She are 3 years old but still acts like a baby puppy, hahaha!

I've  been enjoying sunbazing any time va wetness maker isn't on.  Sometines it gets too hot business out vere, but I still sunbaze.

Moms says I sure do speak my mind a wot vese days!

Oh, oh!!  Moms and dads broughted home a gimme piglick and she had babies!  Wow, I real love babies!  Vis are baby Magoo.  All babies have gone to veir new famiwies already.

Did some more fundraising and modowing for my favorite rescue, Illinois Doberman Rescue Plus

Moms and dads boff became somefing called "coaches".  Vey have BeachBodies or somefing like vat!  Part of being a coach means I get to drink va Shakeology, too.  Yum!

I helped Dads and Unca Jim fix our door.  We are putting our house for sales and moving!  I will soon have a big, hugeness yard and everyfing!

And va best news??  Moms and dads are getting marriaged!!!  Moms has a real pretty ring but it doesn't taste like anyfing or anyfing!  I tried nibbling on it even.  Now I have to decide if I will hyphenate my name or what, haha!

I hope everyone is happy and healthy and everyfing!


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Product review: Pawz dog boots

I 'cided it might be helpfow to do product reviews.  You know, moms buys me stuff and I tell you what I fink 'bout it.  OK???  OK!!!

My first product review is for Pawz Dog Boots .  Here I am wiff va package moms boughted.  Vere are 12 boots in a package, moms says it's a good deal!  Vey come in wots of sizes, too, so any pup can try vem!

As a rule, I don't like fings on my preshus footsies, so I had my doubts.  Vey were not easy business to put on.  Dads holded me and moms crammed va fing on my poor, poor paw!  I just sat vere, holding my paw up, certain it was dying a slow, painfow deff.  

I even put my unhappy ears and face on, so moms and dads knew 'zactly how I felt!

"Come here, Boozy" vey said.  And I tried, I real did!  It was like my leg were broke and I couldn't walk on it, vo.  So vey got out va treatsies, and va video camera... GAWD!

In summary, I do not like bootsies.  Pwease unnerstand I am not saying I do not like vese Pawz Dog Boots in particular, I just don't like fings on my feetsies, OK??

Here are my friends, Jade & Jax, in veir Pawz.  Vey told me vey definitely don't like wearing vem at first, but once vey get outside it real helps veir pawsies!  Look how beeyotifow my friends are!  Vey are boff real smartness, so maybe I will have to try vese again sometine.

Moms and dads also putted a boot on SFB.  She bited at it, swung her paw around like a ding dong, and even hit me in va head wiff it!  GAWD puppy, simmer settle down!  Ven she walked around OK.

Maybe I'll try again. For now, I just dash outside, do my fing, and dash back in :-)  Stay safe out vere, my friends!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Being safe, part 2: Microchips

It are real 'portant business to be sure your animows are microchipped.  What's a microchip, you ask?  Well, I did some research and here's what I founded.

First off, I have a microchip.  Moms says it was put in when I had my neuter surgery (fanks again for VAT, moms, hahaha!).  I asked moms how it gotted put in, and she had me talk to Auntie Pam.  For vose who don't know or don't 'member, my Auntie Pam is President of va rescue I vowunteer wiff (Illinois Doberman Rescue Plus ).  She has years of 'sperience working wiff animows and even knows how to implant a microchip!  Auntie Pam sent me pictures and 'splained va process.

Va blue fing is called va "chip implanter tool".  In va bag is a needow and inside va needow is va itty, bitty microchip.  Microchip companies usually provide a tag wiff veir contact info and va chip number (va yellow fing in va pic) which can go on your animows collar.  Va needow comes out of va bag and goes onto va chip implanter tool like vis:
Ven, va needow is put into va animow, kinda like when we get shotsies.  Ven you push on va implanter tool and in goes va chip.  Easy peezy!!  My orphan friend, Madison, was recently implanted and said it only hurted for a minute.  Va microchip company our rescue uses gives you stickers, yay!  Vese stickers also list va microchip number and are handy to keep everywhere, OK?  I asked Auntie Pam what microchips smell like, cuz I mean, I'm a dog and vat's what counts in my world.  She said "They really don't smell".  How silly, I fink I will start a petition to get scented microchips!  Hahaha!

So now you have your microchip, what's next?  It are real 'portant to be sure you register all 'portant information to your specific chip number, OK??  My microchip is from va company Home Again.  Moms setup an account and put in my address, name, a handsun picture of me, phone numbers for her and dads, my Docker Paul's information, and everyfing!  Here's what my company's website looks like.

Moms says it are real easy to keep all my info updated and also says it are real 'portant for parents to updated on a regular basis!  Va animows in our rescue have info vat goes back to IDR+ which is real nice as we have a 24/7 answering machine vat is always monitored - so if a dog is found, someone WILL hear right away.

Why is a microchip so helpfow?  Well, if a pet ever gets lost, veir moms/dads can put out information about va dog many ways.  One piece of info is the microchip number.  Most microchip companies can also be contacted and va missing animow can be reported.  My microchip company, for 'zampo, sends out emayos to ALL members to let vem know if an animow is missing in our area.  Vis is why it are 'portant to keep info and pics updated, as you want to show peepow who are looking what va animow looks like now, not when vey were tiny puppy, haha! 

When lost animows are found, one of va first fings done is to scan vem for a microchip in hopes of finding va owner right away.  Here is what a scanner looks like.

Moms takes me and my sissy to va vet a few times each year just to be scanned to make sure our microchip can be found and matches va microchip numbers on file.  It doesn't hurt at all, vey just, like, wave it over you, tell you "what a good boy!" and pet you.  I love being scanned!!!

So, vat's microchips in a nutshell.  Key fings to 'member:
1. Microchip your pets!
2. Keep microchip info handy at all times and update info regularly wiff your microchip company!
3. Have your pet scanned for veir chip at your annual vet exam!
4. Attach microchip info to your pet's collar!  Ven, if vey are found by someone wiffout a scanner, vey can call va microchip company and a reunion can happen sooner!

If you have any questions or want more info, pwease let me or moms know.  You can comment on vis bwog or post your question on my Facebook page ( Hotrod Hogan )

Next up in my Stay Safe bwog series, va 'portance of neckwasses and harnesses vat fit right!

Fanks for reading, OK??


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Being safe!!!

At some point, we all moved to Awaska or somefing cuz I don't 'member being vis coldness!  BRRRR!!!!  I know my famiwy, friends, bwog readers and followers are all smartness, but just want to make some 'minders, OK??  OK!! If you have to go outside, be sure you cover up!  Vere are different fings you can do.

Wear a hat!  
My favorite hat is actually for childrens, made by Columbia.  It's real softness and super warm!  It is important for dogs like me wiff big, upright ears to keep vem covered up in extreme wevver so vey don't get bit by Mr Frost.

Wear a mask!
Vey say va real cold wevver hurts your lungs.  I don't know what vose are, but peepow are 'posed to wear masks outside.  Vis was va only mask I could find for demonstration!

Wear a scarf!
A scarf will keep your neck nice and toasty which helps keep your body warmness.  I couldn't find my scarf so borrowed my dads jammies, haha!

Dress warm!  
Be sure you have a nice, comfy t-shirt on.  If you happen to promote your favorite rescue while wearing it, all va better!  Yay Illinois Doberman Rescue Plus

Also, wear a jacket!  
If  you or your dog have a short coat like me, keep in mind our preshus little chests get real cold and fast, so a coat like vis one keeps our tummer-bellers warmness.

Anuvver suggestion from moms is boots.  I am NOT wearing vose or showing you a picture of me in vem, vo.  Vey are awful business and I cannot move when vey are on.  But, moms says it helps keep va salt out of our toesies and also helps prevent hyperfermia or somefing like vat.  I wouldn't wear my bootsies and ven I went outside and got frozen in pwace so moms had to carry me back in.  Maybe I should re-fink vis boot business.

Pwease stay safe out vere my friends!  Stay inside and snuggler if you can.  Vat is va bestest anyway!
