First, she just put it in her mouf and was running around va house like a spaz! I guess it kinda works like vis... she didn't try to nibble on anyone while holding it, haha!
Ven it got stuck on her head sideways, over one ear.... what a silly pants girl!
'Ventually, she got it on over boff ears, all by herself! I'm not sure if vat is being clever or just lucky, haha! I told her to sit for a pic, and she did. She is getting smarter, kinda!
Dads helped her get muzzy muzzler off her face. Ven she picked it up and was using it as a weapon! Here I am telling her "don't beat me wiff it, SFB! GAWD, you are rude!!"
Vis puppy makes us giggle a wot. You never know what she will do next!
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